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Prof Alexander Refsum Jensenius
Associate professor, Department of Musicology. Deputy director, RITMO Centre of Excellence. Chair, Steering Committee for the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME)
University of Oslo
“A research paper without accompanying data is incomplete”
Dr Nicole Jung
Group leader Compound Platform/Research Assistant
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Institute of Toxicology and Genetics
“Research data should not be published in high-ranking journals without the storage of raw data in open and easily accessible repositories”
Prof Laura A. Janda
Professor of Russian Linguistics
UiT The Arctic University of Norway
“By sharing our data, and doing this in an open, public, community fashion, we can determine the best practices for our field”
Dr Marta Teperek
Research Data Facility Manager at Cambridge; now Data Stewardship Co-ordinator at the TU Delft Library
University of Cambridge, Now Delft University of Technology
“As open as possible, as closed as necessary”
Rosie Higman
Research data advisor, University of Cambridge, now Research Data Librarian at the University of Manchester Library
University of Cambridge
“Funder requirements definitely change behaviour and they have taken away some of the fear of sharing data”
Prof. Eva M. Méndez Rodríguez
Professor and researcher
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
“Research data needs to be easy to use, interoperable and affordable or else Open Science will just remain an aspiration”
Prof Jeppe C. Dyre
Professor of Physics, and leader of the research group “Glass and Time”
Roskilde University, Department of Science and Environment
“Making data more accessible needs to make sense to the specific field of research”
Dr. Maggie Hellström
Data management specialist working for ICOS Carbon Portal - the data center of the European research infrastructure ICOS (
Lund University, Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, and the ICOS Carbon Portal
“Science is like culture – it should be easily available to everyone”