This page lists tried and tested methods of how – once libraries are working with your champions – to keep that relationship going. If necessary, how do you keep your champions informed and engaged and keep the momentum going?
SPARC Europe member library staff who have been involved in the Europe’s Open Access Champions project tell you how here.
Invite them to serve on committees
- Invite them or propose them that they sit on specific committees.
Invite them to meetings and events
- Attend their own Open Access community meetings / engage in activities, e.g. OpenCon satellite group at Cambridge
- Invite them to your own scholarly communication update meetings, e.g. if organisational / institutional developments occur
- Run Open Access events and engage them there
- Invite them to awareness-raising events
- Invite them to meetings with funders to discuss Open Access policies
- Involve them in training sessions
- Involve them in the creation of marketing material on OA such as videos.
Utilise your partners
- Collaborate with a close peer, who can then keep your champion involved and in the loop.
Inform them on Open Access developments, e.g. on the European agenda, share documentation and news. What pulls weight is funder and publisher news
- Via University Press communication channels if they are involved with your University Press / publishing initiative
- Via the university’s Open Access website, e.g. the University of Oslo’s: Open Access site or Open Access at HiOA
- Via Open Access blogs, e.g. Cambridge’s Unlocking Research blog or Imperial College London’s Open Access and Digital Scholarship Blog
- Via newsletters
- Via Twitter
- In one-to-one conversations
Click here to read more about how to get champions involved or what makes a good champion.
And last but not least, help them publish Open Access
Help your champions publish Open Access using an institutional OA fund
How else do you keep your champion relationships warm? Please share your ideas in the comments box below.
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