Champions Prof. Philippe GrandjeanProfessor of Environmental Medicine and Founding Editor-in-Chief, Environmental Health and Adjunct Professor of Environmental Health at Harvard School of Public Health University of Southern Denmark Denmark “Securing affordable public access is the right thing to do in the long run for the benefit of science” Prof Rune NilsenProfessor Emeritus in Global Health University of Bergen Norway “Fight academic apartheid to advance equality and quality in the sciences” Dr Jenny MolloyCo-ordinator of the Synthetic Biology SRI & OpenPlant and manager of ContentMine University of Cambridge UK “I hope that the publishing industry becomes an enabler of open” Prof Jørn Harald HurumProfessor of Paleontology University of Oslo Norway “Only peer review Open Access publications” Prof Stephen CurryProfessor of Structural Biology Imperial College London, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Life Sciences UK “I would like to see more intense competition on price and service” Laurent CarraroDirector Arts et Métiers ParisTech France “Open Access and academic social networks can ensure greater access to research results” Alain BeretzUniversity President University of Strasbourg France “Senior researchers can set the good example and encourage our young researchers to take the OA route” Dr Stephen EglenReader in Computational Neuroscience University of Cambridge UK “Teach students the mechanics of sharing research” Prof Ing Aleš ČepekFull professor Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering Czech Republic “We need to do more to fight the trend in commercialising science” Prof Diana ŠimićUniversity Professor University of Zagreb Croatia “Stop discriminating against Open Access publications in research evaluation” Jiří MarekPh.D student in Environmental Engineering & Open Access Co-ordinator Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry & Rectorate, Central Library Czech Republic “It is important to create open research environments for discussions on openness to be effective” Prof Dr Rolf-Ulrich KunzeProfessor of History Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Philosophy Germany “Open Access depends on us professors!” Prof Astrid Söderbergh WiddingVice-Chancellor of Stockholm University Stockholm University Sweden “Give Open Access and Open Science the attention they deserve” Laurent GattoHead of the Computational Proteomics Unit University of Cambridge UK “Focussing on the costs of Open Access is missing the point” Curt RiceUniversity President Oslo and Akershus University College Norway “We need to motivate policy makers to mandate Open Access for all scientific publications at short notice” Dr Esther van LieshoutResearch Co-ordinator, Associate Professor Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus Medical Centre, Department of Traumatology The Netherlands “Make all research available through Open Access repositories” Prof Dr Kurt MöserProfessor of History Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute of Philosophy Germany “Traditional publishing houses need to change if they want to retain their authors” Prof Frode Eika SandnesFull Professor of Computer Science Oslo and Akershus University College, Faculty of Technology, Art and Design, Department of Computer Science Norway “The next generation of researchers will care less about status and more about relevance” Prof Pearl DykstraProfessor of Sociology, Director of Research Department of Public Administration and Sociology (DPAS) Erasmus University Rotterdam, Department of Sociology The Netherlands “A little less ideology and a bit more pragmatism is necessary in the Open Access debate” Prof Manuel Ramírez SánchezProfessor of Historiographic Sciences and Technics & Co-ordinator of the Bibliometrics Unit University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Spain “Publications should be made Open Access and free for society” Predrag PaleHead of Laboratory University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Croatia “Researchers need to realise the power of Open Access” Antonin DelpeuchGraduate student, Computer Science École Normale Supérieure France “We need to take a stand against more traditional publishers” Ivana Hebrang GrgićAssistant Professor University of Zagreb, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Information and Communication Sciences Croatia “Educate all participants of the scholarly communication system on Open Access”
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