“A little less ideology and a bit more pragmatism is necessary in the Open Access debate”
Name: Prof Pearl DykstraPosition: Professor of Sociology, Director of Research Department of Public Administration and Sociology (DPAS)
Expertise: intergenerational solidarity, aging societies, family change, aging and the life course, survey data collection
Institution: Erasmus University Rotterdam, Department of Sociology
Country: The Netherlands
More info: Home Page LinkedIn
An interview with Prof Pearl Dykstra on 15 December 2015
What got you originally interested in Open Access (OA)?
It was Rotterdam’s Institutional Repository team at RePub who helped me out when I asked them whether they could assist me in ‘resurrecting’ my bibliography. They could, and as they began gathering my articles from various databases and journal websites, the question quickly arose as to whether I still had manuscript versions or post-prints of my articles, as they wanted to add links to Open Access full text to my list. As a result, I met with Rotterdam’s so-called “Green Road” policy upon arrival, i.e. Green, as in depositing research results in the Institutional Repository. It was also from that point onwards that I always made sure to send my actual manuscripts to them for the RePub repository. So when manuscript deposit became mandatory here in 2011, it was already my default practice.
What still needs to be done to provide more Open Access to research?
What challenges do you still see for more Open Access?
What still needs to be done to provide more Open Access to research?
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